At Ramax, we understand that our responsibility goes beyond commercial boundaries. We are committed to promoting sustainable practices and reflecting responsibility with the excellence and quality of our products, in all areas in which we operate.

Our unwavering commitment to sustainability and social and environmental compliance is evidenced by our adherence to the legitimate monitoring system with the strategic partnership of NICEPLANET, a company specialized in social and environmental compliance consultancy. In addition to complying with legal regulations, we are promoting sustainability throughout the supply chain, reducing negative impacts on the environment and the community.

We decided to invest significantly in this crucial aspect of our operation, recognizing the importance of operating responsibly and ethically. In collaboration with NICEPLANET, we implemented a parameterized platform that follows established protocols, ensuring efficiency and legitimacy in our process of socio-environmental analysis and monitoring of our direct cattle suppliers.

We are proud to report that we are fully complying with the established requirements, ensuring full compatibility with the Social, Environmental and Climate Responsibility Policies (PRSAC) and with the Integrated Risk Management (GIR). In addition, we are determining and implementing rigorous procedures for managing the risk of Illegal Deforestation associated with our operations.

Our efforts also include the adoption of robust controls for the Traceability and Monitoring of Direct and Indirect Suppliers, which include several measures, such as:

  • Embargoes for Illegal Deforestation according to the list maintained by Ibama and applicable State Environmental agencies;
  • Checks for overlaps with deforestation polygons from the Prodes Amazônia/INPE System and with Conservation Units, approved Indigenous Lands and Quilombola areas;
  • Analysis of authorizations for vegetation suppression and overlaps with properties registered in the Rural Environmental Registry (CAR);
  • Verification of registration in the Employer Registry related to work analogous to slavery;
  • Maintenance of detailed records of animal acquisition information;
  • Guarantee of sufficient intrinsic characteristics for data integrity and audits by independent entities.

Commitment to Risk Management in the Livestock Supply Chain

In order to comply with the SARB 026 regulation, the company RAMAX discloses its risk management indicators in the cattle supply chain for the year 2023:


Percentage of cattle slaughtered Tracked and Monitored from Direct Suppliers80%95%N/A
Percentage of cattle slaughtered Tracked and Monitored from Indirect Suppliers5%15%N/A
Percentage of cattle slaughtered Tracked and Monitored from Direct and Indirect Suppliers42,5%55%N/A

Note: The company is structuring itself to present the audit of these values.


Percentage of cattle slaughtered Tracked and Monitored from Direct Suppliers*82%86%95%
Percentage of cattle slaughtered Tracked and Monitored from Indirect Suppliers**10%14%20%
Percentage of cattle slaughtered Tracked and Monitored from Direct and Indirect Suppliers**46%50%57,5%

Note: The company is structuring itself to present the audit of these values.

Monitoring Tools Used

Recognizing the importance of improving traceability in the value chain, especially among indirect suppliers, RAMAX continually invests in engaging rural producers, offering innovative tools and training. We use advanced technologies and monitoring systems to ensure the quality and sustainability of our industry, promoting efficient management of resources and greater control over the production chain, from the origin of the product to the end consumer.

  • SMGEO Direct
  • SMGEO Prospec***
  • Visipec***
  • PRIMI***

The company RAMAX implements continuous improvements in its monitoring processes and has a goal to expand control over the supply chain to include indirect tier 1 suppliers by 2025, subject to the availability of public data and third-party information.

We thank NICEPLANET for their expertise and continued support in this journey towards a more responsible and sustainable business model. We affirm that this commitment reflects our commitment to creating a more transparent and sustainable supply chain, promoting responsible practices that benefit all involved.

* The company RAMAX is undergoing an independent audit regarding sales for the years 2023/2024 to obtain accurate data on the percentage of cattle tracked and monitored to direct suppliers, and thus also enable the exposure of real data regarding this condition.

** Regarding the volume and percentage of slaughtered cattle Tracked and Monitored up to Indirect Suppliers, the company RAMAX has drawn up a traceability plan to enable the monitoring of direct and indirect suppliers that will make it possible to achieve the stipulated target of monitoring indirect level 1 suppliers by 2025.

*** All of these tools are included in the company’s indirect traceability plan: – SMGEO PROSPEC: The company acquired 1,000 initial vouchers to enable the transfer of technology from the industry to rural producers, with the aim of enabling socio-environmental analyses to be carried out in a manner similar to the technology used by the industry. This improves the compliance of the herd on each property along the chain.

– Visipec: A partnership is being established with the National Wildlife Federation (NWF) in order to use the tool that will provide an updated view of data on contamination from non-compliant indirect suppliers, based on analyses of purchases made by the direct supplier, from obtaining and analyzing information from GTAs and SICAR.

– PRIMI (Individual Traceability and Indirect Monitoring Program): To further reinforce our commitments, we are establishing a partnership with the company NS SOLUTION, where we will adopt the use of the PRIMI tool and protocol, which enables individual monitoring of the animal’s entire life until its arrival at the industry, using the official Brazilian bovine traceability, where each animal receives an individual and unique number, socio-environmental and social analyses in each movement of the animal throughout its life and having the entire complete process Audited and Certified.